About tokyocode.io

Tokyocode.io is creating software for Apple Final Cut Pro editor. Our passionate is very simple. Your cumbersome work move to simply and can be to focus more editing work.

I’m creating software in Tokyo, Japan (local area of Sumida). Tokyo is one of very passionate area in the world.

I don’t have a office. I work sometime at cafe (mostly is Starbucks, Tally’s, Macdonald) and the other case is at home. Simple is very important for our culture and it is base for my product image.

Discuss your idea in twitter (@tokyocode_io) .

We are proud of our products

Reference X is listed in Apple Final Cut Pro Ecosystem page and AppStore Final Cut Pro related products page. We are so prouded and confidence to listed in those pages.
Code & Design in Tokyo Sumida. © tokyocode.io